How To Get The Respect You Deserve From Your Builder

Free estimates cost builders, their subcontractors, and their vendors valuable time away from their families.  They are not earning a living while they are preparing your proposal.  It takes time to do it right.

Do yourself and them a kindness.  Be upfront and honest with your prospective bidders.  Expect the same from them.  You can turn this in to a win/win for everyone.

Ask probing questions during the intial interview, make certain this is a project you definitely want to and are able to do, narrow down your choice to the builders you trust most, and then ask for their proposals.

Most people do just the opposite. They call a list of builders, go straight into the details of the project, send everyone scurrying to get a proposal right out, and only then start to think about who they might want to work with or even if they truly want to go ahead with the project.  Is this a good use of your time?  Are you being fair?

Now you have the proposals in hand.  The bidders took the time necessary to prepare it for you.  Would you take the time to listen to their final thoughts or answer any lingering questions?

After you have made your decision, promptly inform all bidders and remember to thank each of them.   If someone asks why you chose the competition, don’t be afraid to give an honest answer.  It is the kindest thing to do.

You would feel good about yourself and the process.  The chosen bidder would feel fortunate to work for you and would treat you especially well.   The bidders who don’t get the job can walk away knowing how to do better next time.

Everyone wins!

Your comments are welcome!   Daggett Builders, Inc

Tel.  207 354 6177   Owners:  Christoper Robinson & Crystal Daggett Robinson

Building Our Business * One Satisfied Customer At A Time

P.S.  Almost everyone says they want a balance of price, quality, and service but, that’s not really true.   You may be willing to compromise but you will lean heavily toward one of the three in the end.

Best Price / Great Service / High Quality –   Think about McDonald’s, which two do they have?  Is it realistic to expect all three?  Which two are most important for you?

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